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Coin Activation

There are two methods of coin activation:

  • enable - Connects to a native daemon, or a url which handles RPCs for Platform coins (e.g. ETH, MATIC, FTM, BNB, ONE)
  • electrum - Connects to an electrum server for UTXO based coins and QTUM/QRC20 tokens.

A coin can only be activated once per session, and must be activated before it can be used in trading or wallet functions.

The Komodo DeFi Framework API requires an mm2 parameter to be set for each coin. This can be added to the enable/electrum command, or defined in your coins file.

The value of the mm2 parameter informs the software as to whether the coin is expected to be compatible for atomic swaps.

  • 0 = non-compatible
  • 1 = compatible

Many examples of activation commands are available at kmd.stats.io

If you are running a UTXO based coin daemon locally and the blockchain is synchronised, you can connect the local daemon to the Komodo DeFi Framework API by using the enable method, though some additional configuration is required. The Komodo DeFi Framework API requires the following options to be added to the native chain's .conf file.


The Komodo DeFi Framework API node's coin address needs to be imported manually into the coin daemon using the importaddress method.

Activating coins in 'lite mode' means you don't need to have a native coin daemon installed, or keep a local blockchain synchronised. In this mode, the Komodo DeFi Framework API communicates with an external node to perform transactions and query the blockchain. UTXO based coins and QTUM/QRC20 tokens communicate via electrum servers, while other platform coins communicate via JSON RPC urls.

Komodo DeFi Framework is a true cross chain, cross protocol Decentralized Exchange (DEX), allowing for trades between coins and tokens across many platforms and ecosystems, such as:

Electrum mode is only available for UTXO based coins and QTUM/QRC20 tokens.

coinstringTicker of coin to activate
serverslist of objectsA list of standard ActivationServers objects.
mm2integerRequired if not set in coins file. Informs the Komodo DeFi Framework API whether or not the coin is expected to function. Accepted values are 0 or 1
min_connectedintegerOptional, defaults to 1. Minimum number of electrum servers to maintain an active connection to.
max_connectedintegerOptional. Maximum number of electrum servers to maintain an active connection to. If not set, defaults to all servers in activation request.
required_confirmationsintegerOptional, defaults to 3. Number of confirmations for the Komodo DeFi Framework API to wait during the transaction steps of an atomic swap.
requires_notarizationbooleanOptional, defaults to false. If true, coins protected by Komodo Platform's dPoW security will wait for a notarization before progressing to the next atomic swap transactions step.
swap_contract_addressstringQRC20 only. Address of etomic swap smart contract
fallback_swap_contractstringQRC20 only. Address of backup etomic swap smart contract
utxo_merge_paramsobjectA standard UtxoMergeParams object. Used to reduce a wallet's UTXO count in cases where it is causing significantly slower RPC responses.

addressstringthe address of the user's coin wallet, based on the user's passphrase
balancestring (numeric)the amount of coin the user holds in their wallet; does not include unspendable_balance
unspendable_balancestring (numeric)the coin balance that is unspendable at the moment (e.g. if the address has immature UTXOs)
coinstringthe ticker of the enabled coin
required_confirmationsnumberthe number of transaction confirmations for which the Komodo DeFi Framework API must wait during the atomic swap process
mature_confirmationsnumber (optional)the number of coinbase transaction confirmations required to become mature; UTXO coins only
requires_notarizationboolwhether the node must wait for a notarization of the selected coin that is performing the atomic swap transactions; applicable only for coins using Komodo dPoW
resultstringthe result of the request; this value either indicates success, or an error, or another type of failure


Electrum Method

curl --url "" --data '{
  "coin": "LTC",
  "method": "electrum",
  "servers": [
      "url": "electrum1.cipig.net:10063",
      "protocol": "TCP"
      "url": "electrum2.cipig.net:20063",
      "protocol": "SSL",
      "disable_cert_verification": true
      "url": "electrum3.cipig.net:20063",
      "protocol": "SSL",
      "ws_url": "electrum3.cipig.net:30063"
  "min_connected": 1,
  "max_connected": 2,
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD"

Electrum Method

curl --url "" --data '{
  "coin": "KMD",
  "method": "electrum",
  "servers": [
      "url": "electrum1.cipig.net:10001"
      "url": "electrum2.cipig.net:10001"
      "url": "electrum3.cipig.net:10001"
  "required_confirmations": 10,
  "requires_notarization": true,
  "mm2": 1,
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD"

Electrum Method

curl --url "" --data '{
  "coin": "QTUM",
  "method": "electrum",
  "servers": [
      "url": "electrum1.cipig.net:10050"
      "url": "electrum2.cipig.net:10050"
      "url": "electrum3.cipig.net:10050"
  "swap_contract_address": "0x2f754733acd6d753731c00fee32cb484551cc15d",
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD"

If mm2 is not set in either the command or your coins file, you will see the following error:

  "error": "lp_coins:943] lp_coins:693] mm2 param is not set neither in coins config nor enable request, assuming that coin is not supported"

If min_connected is < 1, you will see the following error:

  "error":"rpc:184] dispatcher_legacy:141] lp_commands_legacy:141] lp_coins:4462] utxo_standard:73] utxo_coin_builder:616] Internal error: manager:129] min_connected should be greater than 0"

If max_connected is < min_connected, you will see the following error:

  "error": "rpc:184] dispatcher_legacy:141] lp_commands_legacy:141] lp_coins:4462] utxo_standard:73] utxo_coin_builder:616] Internal error: manager:132] min_connected (2) must be <= max_connected (1)"

coinstringthe name of the coin the user desires to enable
urlsarray of strings (required for ETH/ERC20 and other gas model chains)urls of Ethereum RPC nodes to which the user desires to connect
swap_contract_addressstring (required for QRC20 only)address of etomic swap smart contract
fallback_swap_contractstring (required for QRC20 only)address of backup etomic swap smart contract
gas_station_decimalsinteger (optional for ETH/ERC20 and other gas model chains)Defines the decimals used to denominate the gas station response to gwei units. For example, the ETH gas station uses 8 decimals, which means that "average": 860 is equal to 86 gwei. While the Matic gas station uses 9 decimals, so 860 would mean 860 gwei exactly. Defaults to 8
gas_station_policy.policystring (optional for ETH/ERC20 and other gas model chains)Defines the method of gas price calculation from the station response. "MeanAverageFast" will use the mean between average and fast fields. "Average" will return a simple average value. Defaults to "MeanAverageFast".
mm2integerRequired if not set in coins file. Informs the Komodo DeFi Framework API whether or not the coin is expected to function. Accepted values are 0 or 1
tx_historyboolIf true the Komodo DeFi Framework API will preload transaction history as a background process. Must be set to true to use the my_tx_history method
required_confirmationsinteger (optional, defaults to 3)Number of confirmations for the Komodo DeFi Framework API to wait during the transaction steps of an atomic swap.
requires_notarizationboolean (optional, defaults to false)If true, coins protected by Komodo Platform's dPoW security will wait for a notarization before progressing to the next atomic swap transactions step.

addressstringthe address of the user's coin wallet, based on the user's passphrase
balancestring (numeric)the amount of coin the user holds in their wallet; does not include unspendable_balance
unspendable_balancestring (numeric)the coin balance that is unspendable at the moment (e.g. if the address has immature UTXOs)
coinstringthe ticker of enabled coin
required_confirmationsnumberKomodo DeFi Framework API will wait for the this number of coin's transaction confirmations during the swap
requires_notarizationboolwhether the node must wait for a notarization of the selected coin that is performing the atomic swap transactions
mature_confirmationsnumber (optional)the number of coinbase transaction confirmations required to become mature; UTXO coins only
resultstringthe result of the request; this value either indicates success, or an error or other type of failure


Enable Method

curl --url "" --data '{
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "method": "enable",
  "coin": "TKL"

curl --url "" --data '{
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "method": "enable",
  "coin": "TKL",
  "mm2": 1,
  "required_confirmations": 10,
  "requires_notarization": true

curl --url "" --data '{
  "coin": "ETH",
  "method": "enable",
  "urls": [
  "swap_contract_address": "0x24ABE4c71FC658C91313b6552cd40cD808b3Ea80",
  "fallback_swap_contract": "0x8500AFc0bc5214728082163326C2FF0C73f4a871",
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD"

Enable Method

curl --url "" --data '{
  "coin": "ETH",
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "method": "enable",
  "urls": [
  "swap_contract_address": "0x24ABE4c71FC658C91313b6552cd40cD808b3Ea80",
  "fallback_swap_contract": "0x8500AFc0bc5214728082163326C2FF0C73f4a871",
  "gas_station_url": "https://ethgasstation.info/json/ethgasAPI.json",
  "gas_station_decimals": 8,
  "gas_station_policy": {
    "policy": "MeanAverageFast"

Enable Method

curl --url "" --data '{
  "coin": "NZDS-PLG20",
  "method": "enable",
  "swap_contract_address": "0x9130b257D37A52E52F21054c4DA3450c72f595CE",
  "fallback_swap_contract": "0x9130b257D37A52E52F21054c4DA3450c72f595CE",
  "urls": [
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD"

Enable Method

curl --url "" --data '{
  "coin": "BUSD-BEP20",
  "method": "enable",
  "swap_contract_address": "0xeDc5b89Fe1f0382F9E4316069971D90a0951DB31",
  "fallback_swap_contract": "0xeDc5b89Fe1f0382F9E4316069971D90a0951DB31",
  "urls": [
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD"

For enabling Z coins, refer to the ZHTLC activation tasks in the v2.0 Dev API.

To see more examples for other platforms like Fantom, Avalanche & Harmony, you can search the Komodo DeFi Framework API Coin Activation Commands List or build a single batch command to enable a set of selected coins via the Batch Coin Activation Form

We welcome volunteers to test new coins for Komodo DeFi Framework API compatibility! Follow the Submitting Coin Test Results guide for more information, or drop into the Komodo Platform Discord Server for a chat if you need some help.